Creative Director | Artist | Futurist



3D Motion

Long ago in a galaxy far… oh shit, well, not so long ago (1983) I went to college for aerospace engineering. I wanted to design the body and aerodynamics of airplanes. Well, ultimately I ended up in graphic design (a better fit) but now with 3D modeling I have come full circle and can create those ships, all kinds of characters and a multitude of objects and then I can animate them fully. Such exciting new territory that draws from deep past passions!

2D Motion

Motion has long been an interest of mine and After Effects along with Premier Pro have become my new creative environment. I love how much more poignant a message can become with motion and video than simply traditional static design. I am thrilled to be developing a lot more storytelling and crossover projects between two dimensional animation with three dimensional architecture. Best of both worlds. | 646-772-6697