RVLiving Magazine Branding
When the UK’s John Brown Publishing needed a creative director to cover maternity leave during the launch of this new project (a magazine geared towards the upscale RVing Baby Boomer), I had no idea what I was getting into. Often not-so-lovingly referred to as ‘the trailer magazine’ by the mostly fashionista staff, no one seemed to have any idea what was in store.
Launching this project with tight deadlines and a skeletal staff was daunting; but the moment the right team was assembled, we burst onto the scene and surpassed everyone from the competing motorhome magazines to other custom publications. I won more awards for this project than any other, including ‘best new launch’, ‘overall design’ and ‘best use of illustration’.
This team was stellar. I miss them and we all dream about the day we can reunite creatively and surprise the world again.

rat@refitordie.com | 646-772-6697