Creative Director | Artist | Futurist

Film - Misc

Film - Misc


(t)here Magazine

(t)here magazine is a location-based publication that engages artists of varied disciplines to create the content for a whole issue about a subject that usually pertains to a specific area. When I got the invitation to participate in the spring of 2019, I jumped at the opportunity. The theme for my issue? Brooklyn, NY — my home and the place I love most. Those participating drew our local assignments randomly; I got Bay Ridge. 

This film was created in one weekend. I wandered the neighborhood for a couple hours and then continued to shoot at home. I created the music as well as the visuals. After the video was completed, screen grabs were extracted for the printed story in the magazine.

PSU Graphic Design FILM FOLLIES - 50 years!

My four years teaching at my Alma mater Penn State was filled with interesting familiarities and opportunities to highlight some of what this particular graphic design department was all about. This collection represents 50 years of motion work that began long before it was a thing. The senior show was called FILM FOLLIES and always packed the theater.

THE NEW Refit Or Die & How I Got Here.

As I embark on my new journey, I reflect on how I came to be here, the trials by fire I went through and my vision ahead for myself, design in general and the world. | 646-772-6697